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Take your school on a transformative Israel Trip

Our Campus Fact Finding trips to Israel feature interactions with a broad spectrum of Israeli society. This is an open, fearless and in-depth approach to discussing and discovering Israel. 

On campus, the Israel-Palestine issue is often center stage. Students hear a wide range of opinions, and often find it difficult to understand the conflict; having a conversation about Israel can sometimes feel like a walk through a maze. We believe that Re: IL’s serious, open, and fearless approach to learning about and discovering Israel and the region can make a journey to Israel a transformative and empowering experience for students.















Students conversing with Joe Perlov    


Re: IL works extensively with university groups from the US and Canada, including, most recently, Cornell, Carnegie Mellon, Concordia, NYU, and many more. Our programs deal with the complexity of identities - cultural, religious, political, gender-based, etc. - that comprise Israeli society today. We encourage students to investigate the complexities of the modern Jewish State and its interactions with its neighbors. Our goal is to afford students the opportunity to engage in the manner they have grown accustomed to, through candid, honest, open and sophisticated dialogue. 














Our trips feature interactions with a broad spectrum of Israeli society, including voices from the right and left, religious and secular, Arab and Jew. We bring our groups to Israeli Arab towns and villages, West Bank settlements, Kibbutzim and communities on the border with Gaza, and meet with political, cultural, and intellectual figures from the various sides of the ongoing Israeli conversation. Re: IL works closely with educators and peace activists in the Palestinian Territories. We also visit places in Israel which shed light on the Zionist project and Israel’s history in interesting ways, including little known, beyond-the-obvious sites in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and in the North and Negev.​


Contact us to discuss planning your school’s Israel trip.  We will be happy to work with you on conceptualizing and delivering all aspects of your Israel experience: initial educational and social planning, pre-and-post-programming, all in-Israel logistics and content, and air travel. Our goal is to meet the needs of your students, your community, and make your school’s Israel trip transformative.


Planning a trip to Israel? We can help.
Re: IL is here to facilitate and provide the deeper conversations and discussions
regarding Israel and the Middle East
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