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Beyond the Usual Destinations, Deeper into the Big Issues

Planning a trip to Israel? We can help.

Re: IL will bring you to crucial but often overlooked sites,

communities, and attractions. We can upgrade your trip with in-depth exploration of the Negev, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, the north of Israel and more.

With Re: IL you can learn about and interact with Israel's minority communities, uncover historical and cultural gems, and meet some of the people who are really making a difference.














Bedouin woman weaves a hand made mat                                                                        Photo courtesy of ChameleonsEye


Our signature programs include The Western Negev and the Gaza

Border, a chance to view the Gaza Strip from up-close, and meet with Israelis who live on the border and have struggled for years with rocket attacks, as well as learning about the millennia of Jewish history in the area. We also offer unique tours of Jerusalem and its surroundings, uncovering hidden gems and little-known stories, shedding new light on all aspects of Israel, Zionism, and the history of the Jewish people and

the area.  


We offer interactive experiences in various Kibbutzim around the country, which give you the opportunity to learn about the history of Zionism, as well as seeing cutting-edge contemporary innovations in agriculture, ecology and industry. 














Farming the desert                                                                                                              Photo courtesy of ChameleonsEye


We can also take you to villages in the Arab-Israeli sector where you can meet the residents, learn about Islam and understand the challenges faced by Israel’s Arab citizens. 


Re: IL has a special partnership relationship with Aaron Greenberg and the JDCN - The Jewish Day Camp Network. If you are a Jewish Day Camp family, contact us, and we will help you put together the Family trip or Bar or Bat Mitzvah experience of your dreams. 


Family Trips 
Re: IL - Regarding Israel offers families - large or small - a range of fascinating, creative, custom-designed Israel experiences. Working together with you, we will create an itinerary that speaks to your interests and passions, from a deep dive into Jewish and Zionist history to culinary tours or biking, hiking, and swimming adventures, and everything in between. Whether you are a retired couple looking to visit Israel for the first time - or revisit it after 30 years - or a family celebrating a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, or looking to introduce your kids to the Jewish State for the first time, we will work together with you to help you discover Israel's people, places, and history, both ancient and contemporary. Trips can include time on a Kibbutz, meetings with Israel's many fascinating, diverse communities - both Jewish and non-Jewish - visits to fabulous sites - both well-known as well as off the beaten track - and the chance to experience a wide range of fabulous cuisines, conversations, and cultures. You can travel the country and swim in the Mediterranean, the Sea of Galilee, and the Dead Sea; meet with Bedouin women entrepreneurs in the Negev desert, visit high-tech greenhouses and wineries, and learn about the 3000-year-old history of Jerusalem, both above and below ground. If your family would like to experience the real Israel,  in a way that focuses on you and your interests, contact us.

Your Jewish Journey
Israel is the home of the Jewish people, the only country in the world with a Jewish majority, and the perfect place to explore and investigate your Jewish past, present, and future. You can discover the roots of Jewish life, literature, and belief, and meet with contemporary thinkers, leaders, educators, and activists, while visiting the ancient and modern sites of this old-new country. Learn how the cultural and political clashes in Israel impact both at home and throughout the Jewish world. Walk the streets of Jerusalem, where King David ruled, and his son, King Solomon, built the First Temple, on Mount Moriah, the Temple Mount. Learn about the modern Zionist movement, the creation of the State of Israel, and how that state deals with the challenges of being Jewish and Democratic. Visit young, dynamic, Tel Aviv, and the historic North and South of the country, with their diverse Jewish and non-Jewish communities. You can meet with a wide range of Israelis, including ultra-Orthodox Jews, Christian and Muslim Arabs, Bedouin tribes, secular and religious high-tech innovators, members of a Kibbutz (communal village), West Bank settlers, and farmers living on the border with Gaza.  If you want to know more about Jewish traditions, and how they are evolving in the world's largest Jewish community, our Jewish Journeys are for you. These tours are custom designed for couples, families, and organizations, from any and all backgrounds, and focus on your interests, questions, and passions. Contact us now to start planning your Jewish Journey in Israel.



A Bar or Bat Mitzvah should be an unforgettable experience, one which the entire family can look back on fondly, again and again, for inspiration and great memories. Re: IL Regarding Israel will curate with you a unique, once-in-a-lifetime journey to Israel for your Bar or Bat Mitzvah that will remain an important milestone in the lives of your son or daughter and the entire family.

Our Bar/Bat Mitzvah Journeys contain two major components: a carefully planned  Israel trip, and the Bar/Bat Mitzvah service itself. Your trip will include visits, led by the finest guides and educators, to the classic historic sites in Jerusalem, the Galilee, Tel Aviv, and the rest of the country, along with other lesser-known important sites. You will actively engage with the country and its people, with volunteer options and encounters with representatives of some of Israel’s many diverse communities. There will also be as much time as you like for fun and downtime activities.  

The second component is the Bat or Bar Mitzvah ceremony. This is not your typical synagogue service, but an active, multi-site experience, tailored to the interests of your family. It will include visits to fascinating, beyond-the-obvious sites related to Jewish and Israeli history, as well as engaging with aspects of the multicultural mosaic that is Israel today. Whether the ceremony takes place in one of many beautiful and inspiring venues in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, the Galilee, on Masada, or in the Negev Desert,  the Bat Mitzvah girl or Bar Mitzvah boy will enjoy, together with his or her family, a unique, inspiring, tailor-made experience.     

In all of our ceremonies, at whatever site you choose, we can accommodate a traditional or a more creative approach, and incorporate prayers, blessings, readings, and activities that work for you.

To create an exceptional and meaningful Bar/Bat Mitzvah experience, contact us today.




Re: IL can make your trip to Israel better than you can imagine.

Contact us for the chance to see an Israel that others don't get to.

Planning a trip to Israel? We can help.
Re: IL is here to facilitate and provide the deeper conversations and discussions
regarding Israel and the Middle East
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